Aluminium Windows

If you're looking to replace your old wooden windows with new aluminium ones, you may want to consider Alu Planet as your go-to service provider. Greg did just that, and he couldn't be happier with the result.

When Greg first purchased his home, he loved the classic look of the wooden windows. However, as time passed, he realized that they were not very practical. They required a lot of maintenance and had become quite difficult to open and close. Additionally, they were not as energy-efficient as he would have liked.

After some research, Greg found that aluminium windows were a great option for his home. They required less maintenance, were more durable, and provided better insulation. Greg decided to go ahead with the replacement and chose Alu Planet for the job.

The team at Alu Planet was professional, knowledgeable, and friendly. They listened to Greg's needs and offered a range of options that would suit his budget and style. The installation process was smooth and hassle-free, and the team cleaned up after themselves once the job was done.

Now that Greg's new aluminium windows are installed, he couldn't be happier. They look sleek and modern, and he no longer has to worry about maintenance or energy efficiency. He recommends Alu Planet to anyone who is looking to replace their windows with aluminium frames or any other aluminium works.

In conclusion, if you're considering replacing your old wooden windows with new aluminium ones, Alu Planet is a great choice. Their team of experts will guide you through the process and ensure that you're satisfied with the final result. Greg's experience is a testament to the quality of their work, and he highly recommends them for all your aluminium needs.


George thought he was a smart guy. He figured that changing his old wooden windows to shiny new aluminium ones would be a breeze. So, he went online and found the cheapest supplier he could find, thinking he had hit the jackpot.

The day of installation came, and the delivery truck pulled up with a bunch of unmarked boxes. George eagerly opened them up, only to find a pile of metal bars and screws. He stared at the mess for a while, wondering how he would turn it into beautiful windows.

George tried to follow the instructions, but things quickly went downhill. He found himself struggling to put the pieces together, and before he knew it, he had a pile of scrap metal on his lawn.

Exasperated, he finally called in the professionals at AluPlanet. They arrived on the scene, took one look at the mess George had made,  and burst out laughing. "Looks like you should have gone with the pros, George!" they said.

After a few hours of work, AluPlanet had turned George's mess into beautiful, shiny new windows. George was left to shake his head, thinking about how he could have saved himself a lot of time and money if he had just gone with the professionals in the first place. Lesson learned!

Aluminium Windows. Looking out into the garden

AluPlanet Aluminium Windows